Supporting our customers

Our services are dynamic, innovative and designed to promote independence and improve quality of life and wellbeing.

Housing Support Strategy

Our Housing Support Strategy sets out Broadacres vision to provide excellent, inclusive, person-centred services which will grow over the life of this Strategy.

At Broadacres we recognise that housing with support is crucial for our most vulnerable customers and that the provision of this support has a positive impact on the quality of a customer’s life, empowering them to have a voice and to engage with the wider community.

Download the Housing Support Strategy here

Safeguarding Adults Policy

Our policy and procedures are founded on the safeguarding principles and values that govern how the safeguarding adult’s procedure should be implemented i.e. Empowerment, Protection, Prevention, Proportionality, Partnership and Accountability.

Download the Safeguarding Adults Policy here

Safeguarding Children Policy

Broadacres recognises that all children have a right to protection from abuse. We take seriously our responsibility to protect and safeguard the welfare of children and young children.

Download the Safeguarding Children Policy here