This satisfaction survey was undertaken as part of a new annual Government requirement called the Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) and focused on how happy you are with the way Broadacres Housing Association (Broadacres) maintains your homes and delivers key services.

There are two parts to the Tenant Satisfaction Measures, 12 of the 22 indicators come from the satisfaction survey and the remainder are monitored through Broadacres internal management systems.

This report contains key results regarding rented customers’ opinions about their homes and the services provided. In addition, it summarises the results from similar surveys undertaken with leaseholders and shared owners.

About the Survey

In September and October 2023, many of you took part in an important survey.

The survey was carried out by telephone and online, by an independent market research company – Acuity Research and Practice. Incentives were used, with 5 randomly selected respondents winning a £50 shopping voucher.

The survey focused on how happy you are with the way Broadacres Housing Association (Broadacres) maintains your homes and delivers key services. It also collected the Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) as required by the Regulator of Social Housing.

This report contains key results regarding rented customers’ opinions about their homes and the services provided. In addition, it summarises the results from similar surveys undertaken with leaseholders and shared owners.

545 rented customers took part (427 by telephone & 118 online) out of a total of 6048*

*Stratified sampling was used, with quotas set on tenure type, age and area to ensure the results are representative of the whole customer base.

A big thank you to everyone who took part!

Your Views

Broadacres appreciates the time everyone took to complete the survey for us. It is important that through your feedback, we understand the services that work well and those we know can and should be, improved. Where you have said that you are happy for us to, we may contact you to discuss your survey responses, invite you to participate in other feedback events or ask for more information.

Carrying out this survey is just part of the work Broadacres does to involve you in developing services. As well as publishing the results of the survey, Broadacres plans to put the findings to good use by working with customers to further improve the services provided.

The table below shows details of the results:


Measured by Broadacres


Overall Satisfaction

Overall Satisfaction


Keeping properties in good repair.

Satisfaction with repairs


Satisfaction with the time taken to complete the most recent repair


Satisfaction that the home is well maintained


Maintaining Building Safety

Satisfaction that the home is safe


Respectful and helpful engagement

Satisfaction that the Landlord listens to the tenant’s views and acts upon them


Satisfaction that the landlord keeps tenants informed about things that matter to them


Agreement that the landlord treats tenants fairly and with respect.


Effective handling of complaints

Satisfaction with the landlords approach to handling complaint.


Responsible Neighbourhood Management

Satisfaction that the landlord keeps communal areas clean and well maintained.


Satisfaction that the landlord makes a positive contribution to neighbourhoods.


Satisfaction with the landlords approach to handling anti social behaviour.



The table below shows the end of year performance for the management indicators. These cover a range of safety compliance areas, such as whether or not homes have had their annual Gas Safey Check.  It also looks at repairs, performance, complaints, and concerns about anti-social behaviour.


Measured by Broadacres


Keeping properties in good repair

Homes that do not meet decent homes standard


Non-emergency repairs completed within target timescale


Emergency repairs completed within target timescale


Maintaining building safety

Percentage of homes that have had all the necessary gas safety checks


Percentage of homes that have had all the necessary fire safety checks


Percentage of homes in buildings that have had all the necessary asbestos safety checks



Percentage of homes that have had all the necessary water safety checks


Percentage of homes in buildings where the communal passenger lifts have had all the necessary safety checks.


Effective handling of complaints

Number of Stage 1 Complaints received per 1000 homes


Number of stage 2 complaints received per 1000 homes


Proportion of stage 1 complaints responded to within the Housing Ombudsman Code timescales


Proportion of stage 2 complaints responded to within the Housing Ombudsman Code timescales


Responsible Neighbourhood Management

Number of anti-social behaviour cases per 1000 homes


Number of anti-social behaviour cases that involve hate incidents per 1000 homes



PDF download - Customer Satisfaction Survey 2023

The survey focused on how happy you are with the way Broadacres Housing Association (Broadacres) maintains your homes and delivers key services. It also collected the Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) as required by the Regulator of Social Housing. 

PDF download - Customer Satisfaction Survey